Brave words and bloody knuckles 2005
Brave words and bloody knuckles 2005

brave words and bloody knuckles 2005

Now the real work could begin, re-arranging songs to fit Akenra’s powerful vocal style. Finally in December of 2002 Akenra (pronounced: ah-ken-RAH') stepped into the picture after finding the band’s flyer at the Odeon during a Saliva show.

brave words and bloody knuckles 2005

For eight months they jammed, all the while searching for a vocalist that could actually sing in key, and had the ability to command an audience. Aaron Thomas (bass), Peter “Zeus” Zouzias (drums) and Howard locked themselves up in a nasty, hot, disgustingly small practice space on Cleveland’s near Westside and began tightening the compositions and re-defining their sound Straight up hard rock material influenced by bands from the 70’s to present day, without regard for current trends and fads. So, Howard and the former members of “Myth” decided to form a new project.

brave words and bloody knuckles 2005

In comes Howard Paul Ross to fill the vacancy, however, the singer for “Myth” decided not to pursue the opportunity. It all started back in April of 2002, the members of “Myth” were looking to add a new guitarist to the fold.

Brave words and bloody knuckles 2005